Our digital investigation capacities cover all company external and internal computers/data devices including all data transmissions in our out of that computer/data device/network. Our End to End digital investigation means and methods demand and leverage our core competencies:

  1. Internal/External Data packet identification, trapping, tracing and tracking
    1. (cyber means & methods)
  2. Forensic acquisition and analysis of key data/digital findings
    1. (computer forensic means & methods)
  3. Review and analysis of related evidence to key data findings
    1. (discovery means & methods)
  4. Certification or Testimony
    1. (alliance means & methods)

A typical investigation for us in China, Asia or America utlizes one or all of the following AmerAsia investigation workflow stages:

  1. ID Suspicious Action
    • ID Suspicious INTERNAL Digital Action = AmerAsia CyberSecurity - all email, file, shared, comm, directory servers
    • ID Suspicious EXTERNAL Digital Action = AmerAsia CyberSecurity - all client/supplychain/public facing servers
  2. Trap Trace Track
    • Find Bad Actors - AmerAsia CyberSecurity
    • Digitally Physically - AmerAsia CyberSecurity
  3. Acquire Collect
    • Digital Evidence Forensic acquisition - AmerAsia Investigations
    • All Digital Sources - AmerAsia Investigations
  4. Forensic Analysis
    • Deleted Corrupt Partial File ID & Restore - AmerAsia Investigations
    • Deep Dive Hard Drive, deleted/corrupt data, logs, report, analysis - AmerAsia Investigations
  5. Evidence Review
    • ID Bad Act Evidence & Additional Evidence - AmerAsia Discovery
    • Review, Tag Note Comment on All Relevant Evidence - AmerAsia Discovery
  6. Export
    • Export evidence to client and legal jurisdiction as requested - AmerAsia Discovery
    • Reporting, chain of custody, certification of work performed - AmerAsia Law
  7. On-Line Database
    • Evidentiary database on-line for duration of action and law - AmerAsia Discovery
    • Client dedicated - AmerAsia
  8. Client Support
    • Dual Defensibility & Testimony of compliance to home and foreign laws involved - AmerAsia Alliance
    • 100% AmerAsia Company Owned and Operated globally

Our Client Profiles

Forensic Analysis

Our China, Asian and American forensic investigation people, tools and protocols combine with our evidence review and testimony capacities across the pacific forming a strong platform for you to stand on when presenting our forensic analysis evidence to you and your jurisdictional authorities. Proprietary AmerAsia forensic tools and protocols including cyber tools, computer hard drive tools and evidence review methods transferred from our Asian document review methodology "The Butterfly Effect", form the perfect blend of computer hard drive investigatory means, methods and defensibility you must have in threatening China, Asia and U.S. Investigations. Common Investigation metadata elements included in our forensic analysis and reports are :

  • CyberSecurity Analysis –Analysis and reporting of AmerAsia AALOC Cyber wall visitor/intruder activity
  • Timeline Analysis – Analysis of timestamps, timeline surrounding the event(s) or act
  • Deletion Analysis – Analysis of timestamp, file type, data volume, user rights, user deletions
  • USB Device History Records – Analysis of external USB storage devices usage
  • Internal History Records – Analysis of Internet website browsing history
  • Link (.LNK) File Analysis – Analysis of file shortcuts to identify if any particular files existed or accessed
  • Windows Registry Analysis – Analysis of Registry Keys, logs and activity
  • Reporting and Testimony – original forensic reporting, affidavits and testimony supporting all work in all jurisdictions

Our China, Asian and U.S. based forensic computer examiners are experienced and certified at the highest levels:

  • EnCase Certified Examiner (EnCE)
  • EnCase Certified Forensic Examiner (GCFE)
  • EnCase Certified Forensic Analyst (GCFA)
  • Cellebrite Certified Physical Analyst (CCPA)
  • Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)
  • Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)
  • Numerous IT, SW and hardware certifications

Evidence Review

Chinese and Asian language evidence reviews typically consist of two major components: Forensic computer hard drive analysis and Document analysis/review and evidence export. Forensic analysis on computer hard drives requires our forensically certified computer engineers in China, Asia and America be thoroughly trained and expert in foreign IT systems, encryption technologies, forensic software tools and methods, capacities in each foreign jurisdiction AND the ability to generate defensible forensic reports, affidavits and testimony in the United States and any other jurisdiction required; civil and criminal.

Working from the U.S. or outside of Asia, relying on a barely recognizable inner Asia forensic source is risky as language, rules, customs, time zones, deadlines conspire creating a forensic evidence review trap for those MNC’s and international law firms without a strong performance capacity in China, Asia and America. Based in the States, far from U.S. law firm and MNC offices in Asia is the cumbersome norm today making working across Asia difficult and handling China evidence reviews, impossible. Basic, vital evidence review issues of privilege, defensibility, timeliness, spoliation, States Secrets, data privacy, dual defensibility and cost arise fast. In less than 24 hours a review team is ready, or not. Improper protocols, quality control and inexperience in Asia can mean even the most sophisticated professional, but Asia inexperienced, will very easily cause evidence to be missed (electronically and manually), corrupted, spoliated or found indefensible.

Dual Defensibility

Dual Defensibility means proving compliance with all data privacy/data protection laws of our Clients’ home country while simultaneously adhering to stringent investigation/discovery laws found in civil and criminal jurisdictions. The obligation and defensibility risk rests squarely on the shoulders of the Multinational corporation and their legal representatives. Applying our totally defensible investigatory forensic experts, tools and methods in China, Asia or America, AmerAsia ensures dual defensibility and testimony for its' Asian corporate counsel and outside counsel. AmerAsia testifies that the investigatory evidence and reporting found/supplied is correct and true while complying with in-country Asian data privacy data protection laws and jurisdictional evidentiary laws. AmerAsia has successfully handled computer investigations in all AmerAsia operational jurisdictions.